Rash Vests Best Defence Against High UV Index
May 30, 2018
UV is ultraviolet light and there is UVA and UVB. In a nutshell, UVA contributes to premature ageing and UVB is the one which gives you sunburn and exposes you to skin cancers. This is why you need to take sun protection seriously.
You may have heard a UV index being stated on TV or the radio but not entirely sure what this level and scale actually means. Well, you aren’t alone and researching this blog post has been enlightening and now makes sense to me.
The UV index is quite simply put, an international measurement of the strength of the UV radiation at a particular point and time. So, a UV index of 0 means zero radiation and this is usually night. An index of 10 is around the midday sun at which it is at its strongest, however an index around 11+ does exist and that is usually in the mountainous areas or areas where the ozone layer is substantially depleted.
So what you are hearing on the media when they tell you the UV index is what it will be around midday for that particular geographic area you are currently in. Makes sense? So on the news when they say UV index of 7, this means at midday expect a high level of UVA and UVB rays.
So now that we understand what the index actually means, lets look at what can influence it.
1. Geographical location. So, this means that the closer to the equator you are, the more strong the sun is.
2. Cloud cover. Thick cloud can have an effect of filtering the UV rays which might lessen the amount coming through. However thin cloud does little to reduce the UV levels
3. Altitude. The height above sea level or altitude can make a huge difference to UV levels as the UV rays will be stronger at high altitude levels. This is due to the air being thinner and less polluted, so the rays are more intense.
4. Reflection from water or snow. Reflective surfaces such as water and snow can actually reflect back the radiation and it has been reported that they reflect back between 50% and 80+% of all radiation that it gets. This means that you are getting radiation from the sun above plus the reflected radiation from the snow or water.
5. Time of day. This one is particularly important as the UV radiation levels will change during the day and will be weaker in the morning and late afternoon and typically stronger in the middle of the day.
Importantly, it is crucial to protect yourself when the UV index is high (3 or above) and one of the best ways is through wearing rash vests.
Men’s rash vests come in a variety of styles and colours which can be used for wearing when participating in water sports or just hanging by the beach.
Similarly, rash vest womens also come in a huge variety of stylish designs and prints to not only look great but to keep you safe form the sun.
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